Mary Lou Murphy

Many years ago I received a set of oil paints as a gift from my husband. That’s when my involvement in painting began. I dabbled with them for a couple of years but not seriously as my time was devoted to raising five children. However, my desire to paint stayed with me and fifteen years ago I dusted off my brushes. This time I turned to watercolors. It’s a challenging medium. The watercolors blend with sometimes unpredictable results and I love its transparency.
Most of what I know about painting, I learned from four years of excellent instruction with Christine Bean of Dartmouth, MA.
Westport Art Group
Artist member and former board member of the Rhode Island Watercolor Society
Courses and workshops:
Christine Bean
Maureen Gustafson
Betsey MacDonald
Robin Wiseman
Kristin Woodward
Skip Lawrence
Judi Betts
Meredith Cornell
RIWS, Pawtucket, RI
Westport Art Group, Westport, MA
Gallery at Westport, Westport, MA
Westport Rivers Vineyard and Winery, Westport, MA
Bierstadt Gallery, Dartmouth, MA
Southworth Library, Dartmouth, MA
The Windmill, Newport, RI
Marriott Hotel, Newport, RI
A New Discovery, Hillsboro, NH
Fall River Art Group Shows
Little Compton Summer Art Show
Mary Lou can be reached by email at or call her at 401-624-4713.