Alita Marks

Alita Marks has long been an admirer of contemporary American art. During her years working as a Navy nurse and later as a software engineer in California, Alita dabbled with various drawing and painting media and took classes in drawing and oil painting. Then, after 30 years in southern California, Alita moved to Tiverton, Rhode Island in 1999 and fell in love with watercolors.
Alita has been a member of the Westport Art Group since 2001 and has served on the WAG Board as Membership Chair. She has attended workshops by Natalie Pfanstiehl, Kris Donovan, Al Albrechtson, Charlie Parsons, William Heydt, Don Andrews, and Judi Wagner. She has had paintings accepted into juried shows in Little Compton and at the Rhode Island Watercolor Society.
Alita can be reached by email at or call her at 401-624-6031.