Kathy Bjorge

My background as a strong sketch artist drew me to try the medium of pastels, which I immediately found to be a strong fit with my artistic style. I find that pastels allow for the soft effects and shading that I enjoy working with along with the possibilities for wide ranging colors from very subtle, soft shades to intense and brilliant contrasting hues.
The subjects I most enjoy painting are those that I find in the simple beauty found all around us in nature and everyday settings. My work reflects the emotional response to a setting that conveys a mood, a season, or the feeling of a special place, settings like a summer garden, an ocean scene or a fresh snowfall set over a field as winter begins.
I find that the nature of working in pastels complements my sketch like drawing style allowing for an expression of feeling, energy and light. I try to bring out these qualities in my subjects through the beauty of an expressive mark, soft contour depicting scenes like distant hills or intense combinations of color inspired by the effects of differing light conditions found in the change of seasons or time of day.
My goal is to capture the mood of a scene or subject and to share this with others through my paintings.
P.O. Box 69, Swansea, MA 02777