Madeleine E. Ferraz

Originally from Fall River, Madeleine graduated from Sacred Hearts Academy, and received her B.A. degree from Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT. She continued with fine arts courses at Bristol community College and UMass-Dartmouth. She studied with local artists Ron Lister, Don Fitton, Helen Nadler, Meredith Cornell, and Al Albrektson. She also attended workshops with Donald Demers, William Davis, and Joseph McGurl. In Sarasota, FL, she attended professional workshops with Roberta Carter Clark, Janet Rogers, Don Andrews, Tom Lynch and Daniel Petrov.
Madeleine has won several awards for her watercolors and oils in local and regional shows. Her paintings have been exhibited in juried shows and in galleries including the Deblois Gallery and Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, RI. She has exhibited in the former Gallery at Westport, The Sakonnet Painters’ Cooperative Gallery, and the Renaissance Gallery. She is a frequent contributing artist to the exhibitions sponsored by the Westport Art Group and other local and regional art associations.
Madeleine can be reached by calling 401-635-2739.